American Pilgrim - road song about traveling in the US
Anne of Three Minutes - novelty song about Anne of Green Gables
As In Our Younger Days, George - Maggie’s response to the traditional Canadian
song “When You and I Were Young, Maggie” (1864)
Baby Girl Josephs - NICU patient born to
homeless, drug-involved woman (2007)
Bridal Blues - novelty blues about getting married
Call Me By Name - Memphis police brutality towards transgender sex worker (2008)
Bridal Blues - novelty blues about getting married
Call Me By Name - Memphis police brutality towards transgender sex worker (2008)
Catnip Blues - novelty song about catnip addiction
Cecilia Delory - Prince Edward Island family affected by the
Spanish Flu (1918)
Comfortable Shoes Blues - novelty blues about breaking up
Daughter You Must Never Say - my grandmother’s life
story (1875 to 1920)
Frederick Shortt's Lament - story of English “Barnardo Boy” coming to Canada as farm
labourer (early 1900s)
The Girl at Pape and Danforth - novelty song about an
encounter while busking
Home Waltz - sentimental song about an old-time church
hall dance
Isaac Forman's Regrets - man who escaped to Toronto on Underground
Railroad, leaving wife behind (1854)
I Will Bring You Home - father and son die in Newfoundland sealing
disaster (1914)
Lear Green's Hope Chest - young woman escapes slavery shipped in a crate (1850s)
Lear Green's Hope Chest - young woman escapes slavery shipped in a crate (1850s)
Marjorie's Wedding - musical version of wedding vows
My Washington Home - young woman goes to coast
of Washington
to teach school (1898)
Newfoundland Sealing Disaster - sealing crew stranded on ice floes (1914)
Newfoundland Sealing Disaster - sealing crew stranded on ice floes (1914)
Summer's Longest Day - woman slave hanged for arson in Montreal (1734)
Vermicomposting Song - novelty song about raising a worm colony
What He Could Give (Sarajevo) - story of the cellist of Sarajevo (1992)
Who Will Watch Over You? - story of Katelynn
Sampson, a victim of child abuse (2008)
Beautiful work all around, Marion. Writing, singing, playing, coding, ease of use.... great job. Are your YouTube pages monetized? If so, when people view your videos on my site and click a Google ad, you make money. I do not monetize any of the videos I have made because the songs are not mine. The one exception is for one with my own lyrics, a friend's harp music, and her daughters' voices. It's called Song For Grand Manan and can be found with my site search engine at GEST Songs of Newfoundland and Labrador. Performance rights are granted for non-profit use. ;)